Project Educar

Project Educar was the first project created and funded by Novacaritas since its foundation in 2011. It provides study grants and, in a broad sense, schooling projects in São Paulo, Brazil. Given the success of this project, in 2014 it was extended also to Paraguay and to Italy. It includes the organisation of technical and professional specialisation courses, especially in São Paulo, for school-aged children, and the funding of a Creche (or nursery) for toddlers. Its rooms have been expanded to host an increasing number of children.

The project also includes educational and recreational activities for adolescents, such as after school activities, in order to remove them from the streets. Courses on computer science, physical exercise, art, cooking, sewing, a football school and a drama school have been organised for them. Young people participating in these courses are also given a complete and abundant free meal, which, for some of them, represents the only meal of the day. In 2015, Novacaritas also decided to provide pedagogy classes to the parents of young people participating in Project Educar, in order to increasingly involve them, though dedicated courses (e.g. dancing classes) and various cultural initiatives, and to ensure that the students will find educational continuity between school and family.
Overall, since the project was launched, more than 800 Brazilian young people have obtained a university or a technical-professional school diploma and have rapidly found employment.

A building has also been renovated in the favelas of Pedreira, São Paulo, and converted into a school for another 280 adolescents.

Again, in Brazil, in the municipalities of Cotia, Santa Catarina, Curitibanos, Cuiabà and São Paulo, there are primary and lower secondary schools for children from the poorest families. These schools are run by a Congregation that has been assisted by Novacaritas with contributions intended to pay the teachers’ wages.

As expected, considering the success met by the project, since 2014 it has also been extended to Italy, where it bears the educational expenses of two Indian children adopted by an Italian family. Moreover, since the education of young people is not limited only to schoolrooms, a contribution is also given to two local amateur sports associations that are committed to developing and spreading the practice and values of sports activities among children and adolescents.

Construction works and furnishings have, instead, been funded in Paraguay for 8 new schoolrooms in Saladillo, where about 120 students daily attend school. These contributions are making the building increasingly modern and independent. Now it is almost entirely self-sufficient.

Even the university residence in Concepción, where the Foundation funded structural works and the construction of a gym centre in 2014, is now completely efficient and autonomous. Students can now entirely focus on their studies to build a decent future.

Educar Project 2019 – Italy

The Educar Project will still continue in 2019 and it will consist of three main initiatives.


Educar Project 2019 – Saladillo (Paraguay)

For 2019 we need further contribution to finance scholarships for young campesinas of Saladillo (the daughters of local farmers) which are essential to give them a future without hunger and poverty.


Hunger Project 2019 – Philippines

In 2019 we still want to help the poorest families of the Quezon area in the Philippines.


Restructuring Project 2019 – São Paulo (Brasil)

The Centro Educacional Emilie building, which hosts the children of the Coreia favela, requires constant restructuring.


Hunger Project 2019 – São Paulo (Brasil)

Children who do not have the opportunity to attend the Centro Educacional Emilie, where our Educar Project takes place, unfortunately spend days and days without eating. So, in 2019 we want to go on offering them concrete help through several initiatives.


Project Educar 2019 – São Paulo (Brasil)

The Educar Project also continues for 2019 and it will mainly consist of three initiatives.


Project IDIOFA – Congo

In 2012 the Foundation made a donation to Project IDIOFA, to help and support communities in some very poor villages in Congo.


Project Philippines

The Foundation’s initiatives are not confined only to South America. In fact, a project was implemented in 2012 in the Philippines to help undernourished children.


Mata Escura – Acopamec

In Salvador de Bahia there is an Acopamec Centre for single mothers. They are hosted in small houses or tiny flats where they live together with their children. They have the opportunity to study and manage some shops, including a bakery and a hair salon, where they work.



In the past, the Foundation helped this community by building 4 wells and by funding the purchase of seeds to revive cassava plantations and vegetable gardens.


Project Educar

Project Educar was the first project created and funded by Novacaritas since the Foundation’s creation in 2011. It provides study grants and, in a broad sense, schooling projects in Brazil, Paraguay and Italy.


Project Mato Grosso

Established in 2014, this project funds a school for the Chiquitanos Indios who live in Brazil, almost at the Bolivian border. A “hut” has been converted into a school with several classrooms, and a refectory has been created.